Endometrin is a vaginal insert with medication containing the hormone progesterone. You will likely start Endometrin right after your egg retrieval in a fresh embryo transfer or several days prior...
Endometrin is a vaginal insert with medication containing the hormone progesterone. You will likely start Endometrin right after your egg retrieval in a fresh embryo transfer or several days prior to your transfer in a frozen embryo transfer in order to replace depleted progesterone levels in your body. This will cause the lining of your uterus to thicken so that it will be able to support an embryo after your transfer. The medication is also given to help maintain a pregnancy in the first trimester. Progesterone is a hormone that your body makes during a natural cycle to prepare the uterus to support an embryo and to maintain an early pregnancy. Due to medications taken during your cycle, your levels of progesterone are unlikely to be high enough to cause these changes. Therefore, you will need to take the hormone after your retrieval in order to reach normal progesterone levels and cause your uterine lining to thicken in preparation for your transfer. Progesterone can be prescribed in a few different forms: An intramuscular injection, a vaginal insert and topical gel. Your doctor likely has you using a combination of these delivery methods in order to get the best results in your progesterone levels before your transfer.