Low Dose hCG
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone that is commonly used in assisted reproductive treatments. Although commonly used in "trigger" medication which cause final follicular maturation and ovulation, hCG is...
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone that is commonly used in assisted reproductive treatments. Although commonly used in "trigger" medication which cause final follicular maturation and ovulation, hCG is also used in much lower doses as an alternative to medications containing gonadotropins, which cause follicle growth. The lower doses of the hCG hormone cause follicles to grow without inducing ovulation which means you might be using low dose hCG near the beginning of your stim cycle. If there is any confusion, be sure to check with your provider.
Step 1: Check Your Med Type
1 minutes
If your medication came from a compounding pharmacy, it may look different than what is described in the instructions below. If you are unsure, ask your pharmacist for specific prep and administration instructions.
Step 2: Gather your supplies and wash your hands
You will need: alcohol pads, a sharps container, a vial of compunded hCG medication, a syringe and a needle for injection,
Step 3: Draw up your dose
With the needle attached to the syringe, insert the needle into the vial and pull the prescribed amount of medication into the syringe. Withdraw the needle.
With the needle pointing up, tab the side of the syringe until all the air bubbles go to the top. Then press on the plunger until all of the bubbles escape and a tiny drop of medication can be seen on the tip of the needle.
Step 4: Pick your injection site
Choose a spot on your stomach about 1-2 inches away from your belly button. Clean it with an alcohol pad and let air dry.
Step 5: Administer the injection
Take a pinch of skin around your injection site and hold the syringe at a 90 degree angle. Steadily, push the needle all the way in and release your pinch of skin. Push the plunger down until all of the medication is gone. Then withdraw the needle.
Dispose of your syringe in your sharps disposal. You did it!